

This ibc.token contract can work in conjunction with multiple ibc.chain contracts, enabling users to manage assets on multiple peer chains with one ibc.token contract account. Therefore, the BOS IBC system can be used to elegantly construct multi sidechains cross-chain network.

Actions called by normal users


void transfer( name from,name to,asset quantity, string memo );
  • from from account

  • to to account

  • quantity asset quantity

  • memo memo string

  • Note: ('_self' below is the ibc.token contract account)

    if to != _self, this is a local chain normal transfer.

    if to == _self and memo string start with "local", this is a local chain normal transfer.

    if to == _self and memo string conform to "IBC transfer memo format", this is a IBC transaction.

    if to == _self and memo string does not start with "local", nor does it conform to "IBC transfer memo format", this transaction must be fail.

Actions called by administrators


  void setglobal( name this_chain, bool active );
  • this_chain this chan's name, used to verify the chain name specified in the cross-chain transaction memo string

  • active set the initial global active state (_global_state.active). Only when _global_state.active is true can the original IBC transaction be successfully executed.

  • require auth of _self


  void regpeerchain( name           peerchain_name,
                     string         peerchain_info,
                     name           peerchain_ibc_token_contract,
                     name           thischain_ibc_chain_contract,
                     name           thischain_free_account,
                     uint32_t       max_original_trxs_per_block,
                     uint32_t       max_origtrxs_table_records,
                     uint32_t       cache_cashtrxs_table_records,
                     bool           active );
  • peerchain_name, the name of the peer blockchain, used to verify the chain name in action transfer's memo string after character '@'

  • peerchain_info, information of the peer chain

  • peerchain_ibc_token_contract the peer chain's ibc.token contract name, used to verify original IBC transactions

  • thischain_ibc_chain_contract the corresponding ibc.chain contract account of the peer chain

  • thischain_free_account, a account name, used by IBC monitor system, transactions which transfer token from or to this account have no charge

  • max_original_trxs_per_block maximum original transactions per block, the recommended value is 5, the recommended range is [1-10]. If set greater than 10, the IBC system may not be able to handle such large throughput of IBC transactions.

  • max_origtrxs_table_records maximum origtrxs table records, this variable not used currently, set 0 is ok.

  • cache_cashtrxs_table_records maximum cashtrxs table records, the recommended value is 1000.

  • active set the initial active state (_peerchains.active). Only when _peerchains.active is true can the original IBC transaction to this peer chain be successfully executed.

  • require auth of _self

Examples: The following examples assume that IBC systems are deployed between the EOS and BOS mainnet, and we name the EOS mainnet in ibc.token contract 'eos', and BOS mainnet 'bos'. Suppose the ibc.token contracts on both chains are deployed on accounts with same name ibc2token555, then

run on EOS mainnet to set _global_state:
$ cleos push action ibc2token555 regpeerchain '["bos","https://boscore.io",ibc2token555","ibc2chain555","eosfreeacnt1",5,1000,1000,true]' -p ibc2token555
run on BOS mainnet to set _global_state:
$ cleos push action ibc2token555 regpeerchain '["eos","https://eos.io",ibc2token555","ibc2chain555","bosfreeacnt1",5,1000,1000,true]' -p ibc2token555


void setchainbool( name peerchain_name, string which, bool value );
  • peerchain_name, peer chain name

  • which, must be 'active'

  • value, bool value, set the active state (_peerchains.active). Only when _peerchains.active is true can the original IBC transaction to this peer chain be successfully executed.

  • require auth of _self


  void regacpttoken( name        original_contract,
                     symbol      orig_token_symbol,
                     symbol      peg_token_symbol,
                     asset       max_accept,
                     asset       min_once_transfer,
                     asset       max_once_transfer,
                     asset       max_daily_transfer,
                     uint32_t    max_tfs_per_minute, // 0 means the default value defined by default_max_trx_per_minute_per_token
                     string      organization,
                     string      website,
                     name        administrator,
                     name        service_fee_mode,
                     asset       service_fee_fixed,
                     double      service_fee_ratio,
                     asset       failed_fee,
                     bool        active );

This action is used to register acceptable token.

  • original_contract account name of the token contract to be registered.

  • orig_token_symbol orignal token's symbol.

  • peg_token_symbol the peg token symbol on the peer chain's ibc.token contract, can be same with the original token symbol or not.

  • max_accept maximum amount of receivable assets.

  • min_once_transfer minimum amount of single transfer

  • max_once_transfer maximum amount of single transfer

  • max_daily_transfer maximum amount of daily transfer

  • max_tfs_per_minute maximum number of transfers per minute, appropriate value range is [10,150];

  • organization organization name

  • website official website address

  • administrator this token's administrator, who can set some parameters related to this token.

  • service_fee_mode charging mode, must be "fixed" or "ratio"

  • service_fee_fixed if service_fee_mode == fixed, use this value to calculate the successful withdrawal fee.

  • service_fee_ratio if service_fee_mode == ratio, use this value to calculate the successful withdrawal fee.

  • failed_fee use this value to calculate fee for the filed original transaction.

  • active set the initial active state of this token, when active is false, IBC transfers are not allowed, but cashs trigger by peerchain action withdraw can still execute.

  • require auth of _self

Examples: Suppose the EOS's peg token's symbol on BOS mainnet's ibc.token contract is EOSPG, and the BOS's peg token's symbol on EOS mainnet's ibc.token contract is BOSPG.

run on EOS mainnet to register token EOS of eosio.token contract:
$ cleos push action ${contract_token} regacpttoken \
    '["eosio.token","4,EOS","4,EOSPG","1000000000.0000 EOS","10.0000 EOS","5000.0000 EOS",
    "100000.0000 EOS",1000,"eos organization","https://eos.io","ibc2token555","fixed","0.1000 EOS",0.01,"0.1000 EOS",true]' -p ${contract_token}

run on BOS mainnet to register token BOS of eosio.token contract:
$ cleos push action ${contract_token} regacpttoken \
    '["eosio.token","4,BOS","4,BOSPG","1000000000.0000 BOS","10.0000 BOS","5000.0000 BOS",
    "100000.0000 BOS",1000,"bos organization","https://boscore.io","ibc2token555","fixed","0.1000 BOS",0.01,"0.1000 BOS",true]' -p ${contract_token}


void setacptasset( name contract, string which, asset quantity );

Modify only one member of type asset in currency_accept struct.

  • contract the name of one registered acceptable token contract.

  • which must be one of "max_accept", "min_once_transfer", "max_once_transfer", "max_daily_transfer".

  • quantity the assets' value to be set.

  • require auth of this token's administrator


  void setacptstr( name contract, string which, string value );

Modify only one member of type string in currency_accept struct.

  • contract the name of one registered acceptable token contract.

  • which must be one of "organization", "website".

  • value the value to be set.

  • require auth of this token's administrator


  void setacptint( name contract, string which, uint64_t value );

Modify only one member of type int in currency_accept struct.

  • contract the name of one registered acceptable token contract.

  • which must be "max_tfs_per_minute".

  • value the value to be set.

  • require auth of _self


  void setacptbool( name contract, string which, bool value );

Modify only one member of type bool in currency_accept struct.

  • contract the name of one registered acceptable token contract.

  • which must be "active".

  • value the bool value to be set.

  • require auth of this token's administrator


  void setacptfee( name   contract,
                   name   kind,
                   name   fee_mode,
                   asset  fee_fixed,
                   double fee_ratio );

Modify fee related members in currency_accept struct.

  • contract the name of one registered acceptable token contract.

  • kind must be "success" or "failed".

  • fee_mode must be "fixed" or "ratio".

  • fee_fixed fixed fee quota, used when fee_mode == fixed

  • fee_ratio charge ratio, used when fee_mode == ratio

  • require auth of _self


  void regpegtoken( name        peerchain_name,
                    name        peerchain_contract,
                    symbol      orig_token_symbol,
                    symbol      peg_token_symbol,
                    asset       max_supply,
                    asset       min_once_withdraw,
                    asset       max_once_withdraw,
                    asset       max_daily_withdraw,
                    uint32_t    max_wds_per_minute,
                    name        administrator,
                    asset       failed_fee,
                    bool        active );

This action is used to register peg token.

  • peerchain_name the name of the chain where the original token was located.

  • peerchain_contract the peg token's original token contract name on it's original chain.

  • orig_token_symbol original token symbol.

  • peg_token_symbol the peg token's original token symbol on it's original chain

  • max_supply maximum supply

  • min_once_withdraw minimum amount of single withdraw

  • max_once_withdraw maximum amount of single withdraw

  • max_daily_withdraw maximum amount of daily withdraw

  • max_wds_per_minute maximum number of withdraws per minute, appropriate value range is [10,150];

  • administrator this token's administrator, who can set some parameters related to this token.

  • failed_fee use this value to calculate fee for the filed withdraw transaction.

  • active set the initial active state of this peg token, when active is false, IBC withdraws are not allowed, but cashs trigger by peerchain action transfer can still execute.

  • require auth of _self

Examples: Suppose the EOS's peg token's symbol on BOS mainnet's ibc.token contract is EOSPG, and the BOS's peg token's symbol on EOS mainnet's ibc.token contract is BOSPG.

run on EOS mainnet to register BOS's peg token, the peg token symbol is BOSPG:
$ cleos push action ${contract_token} regpegtoken \
    '["bos","eosio.token","4,BOS","4,BOSPG","1000000000.0000 BOSPG","10.0000 BOSPG","5000.0000 BOSPG",
    "100000.0000 BOSPG",1000,"ibc2token555","0.1000 BOSPG",true]' -p ${contract_token}

run on BOS mainnet to register EOS's peg token, the peg token symbol is EOSPG:
$ cleos push action ${contract_token} regpegtoken \
    '["eos","eosio.token","4,EOS","4,EOSPG","1000000000.0000 EOSPG","10.0000 EOSPG","5000.0000 EOSPG",
    "100000.0000 EOSPG",1000,"ibc2token555","0.1000 EOSPG",true]' -p ${contract_token}


  void setpegasset( symbol_code symcode, string which, asset quantity )

Modify only one member of type asset in currency_stats struct.

  • symcode the symcode of registered peg token.

  • which must be one of "max_supply", "min_once_withdraw", "max_once_withdraw", "max_daily_withdraw".

  • quantity the assets' value to be set.

  • require auth of this token's administrator


  void setpegint( symbol_code symcode, string which, uint64_t value )

Modify only one member of type int in currency_stats struct.

  • symcode the symcode of registered peg token.

  • which must be "max_wds_per_minute".

  • value the value to be set.

  • require auth of this token's administrator


  void setpegbool( symbol_code symcode, string which, bool value )

Modify only one member of type bool in currency_stats struct.

  • symcode the symcode of registered peg token.

  • which must be "active".

  • value the bool value to be set.

  • require auth of this token's administrator


  void setpegtkfee( symbol_code symcode, asset fee )

Modify fee related members in currency_stats struct.

  • symcode the symcode of registered peg token.

  • fee fixed fee quota

  • require auth of _self


  void fcrollback( name peerchain_name, const std::vector<transaction_id_type> trxs );
  • this action may be used when repairing IBC system, used to force rollback (refund) specified original transaction records in table origtrxs.

  • peerchain_name peer chain name.

  • trxs original transactions that need to be rolled back.

  • require auth of _self


  void fcrmorigtrx( name peerchain_name, const std::vector<transaction_id_type> trxs );
  • this action may be used when repairing IBC system, used to force remove specified original transaction records in table origtrxs.

  • peerchain_name peer chain name.

  • trxs original transactions that need to be remove.

  • require auth of _self


void lockall();
  • set 'active' of global_state false.

  • when locked, ibc-transfer and withdraw will not allowed to execute for all token.

  • require auth of _self


void unlockall();
  • set 'active' of global_state true.

  • when unlocked, the restrictions caused by execute lockall() will be removed.

  • require auth of _self


  void forceinit( name peerchain_name );
  • peerchain_name peer chain name.

  • force initialization of this contract. this action clears three tables origtrxs, cashtrxs and rmdunrbs and a singleton globalm, but it will not affect tables globals, accepts and stats.

  • Note that this action deletes up to 200 table records at a time, in order to avoid CPU timeouts, so if the number of records in these three tables is greater than 200, you need to perform this action several times to clear all three tables. When the console prints "force initialization complete", it says that all three tables have been cleared.

  • require auth of _self

Actions called by ibc_plugin


  void cash( const uint64_t&                        seq_num,
             const name&                            from_chain,
             const transaction_id_type&             orig_trx_id,          // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
             const std::vector<char>&               orig_trx_packed_trx_receipt,
             const std::vector<capi_checksum256>&   orig_trx_merkle_path,
             const uint32_t&                        orig_trx_block_num,   // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
             const std::vector<char>&               orig_trx_block_header,
             const std::vector<capi_checksum256>&   orig_trx_block_id_merkle_path,
             const uint32_t&                        anchor_block_num,
             const name&                            to,                   // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
             const asset&                           quantity,             // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
             const string&                          memo );
  • seq_num The serial number given by the ibc_plugin, incremented one by one from 1.

  • from_chain peer chain name.

  • orig_trx_id original transaction id.

  • orig_trx_packed_trx_receipt original transaction's packed transaction receipt.

  • orig_trx_merkle_path original transaction's merkle path to transaction merkleroot in block header.

  • orig_trx_block_num original transaction's block number.

  • orig_trx_block_header original transaction's block header.

  • orig_trx_block_id_merkle_path original transaction's block id merkle path to one active incremental_merkle node of the anchore block.

  • anchor_block_num anchor block in table chaindb of ibc.chain contract

  • to to account, who receive token transfered from the peer chain.

  • quantity quantity of token.

  • memo not used.

  • can be called with any account's auth


  void cashconfirm( const name&                            from_chain,
                    const transaction_id_type&             cash_trx_id,            // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
                    const std::vector<char>&               cash_trx_packed_trx_receipt,
                    const std::vector<capi_checksum256>&   cash_trx_merkle_path,
                    const uint32_t&                        cash_trx_block_num,     // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
                    const std::vector<char>&               cash_trx_block_header,
                    const std::vector<capi_checksum256>&   cash_trx_block_id_merkle_path,
                    const uint32_t&                        anchor_block_num,
                    const transaction_id_type&             orig_trx_id );          // redundant, facilitate indexing and checking
  • from_chain peer chain name.

  • cash_trx_id cash transaction id.

  • cash_trx_packed_trx_receipt cash transaction packed transaction receipt.

  • cash_trx_merkle_path cash transaction's merkle path to transaction merkleroot in block header.

  • cash_trx_block_num cash transaction block number.

  • cash_trx_block_header cash transaction's block header.

  • cash_trx_block_id_merkle_path cash transaction's block id merkle path to one active incremental_merkle node of the anchore block.

  • anchor_block_num anchor block in table chaindb of ibc.chain contract

  • to to account, who receive token transfered from the peer chain.

  • orig_trx_id original transaction id of this cash transaction.

  • can be called with any account's auth


  void rollback( name peerchain_name, const transaction_id_type trx_id );
  • called by ibc_plugin when there are original transactions need to be rolled back.

  • peerchain_name peer chain name.

  • trx_id transaction id, which need to be rollback (refund).

  • can be called with any account's auth


  void rmunablerb( name peerchain_name, const transaction_id_type trx_id );
  • called by ibc_plugin when there are unrollbackable original transactions

  • peerchain_name peer chain name.

  • trx_id transaction id, which need to be remove.

  • can be called with any account's auth

Contract Design

Transaction is the core concept of database and ACID is the four basic elements for the correct execution of database transactions. Its characteristics are briefly stated as follows: Transactions are executed as a whole, and the operations on the database included in them are either all executed or none executed, and it is impossible to stagnate in the middle.

In addition to single database transactions, there are distributed transactions. Distributed transactions refer to a transaction that uses multiple independent databases on different hosts. Distributed transactions still need to satisfy the requirement that their operations on multiple databases be either fully executed or not at all. However, there is a big difference between distributed transactions and single database transactions. ACID theory can not be fully applied. In such cases, what we need is final consistency, not strong consistency.

In the design of this contract, A complete cross-chain transaction consists of three separate on-chain transactions. One cross-chain transaction is completed only when all the three independent transactions succeed.

The three transactions are, 1. original transaction, 2. cash transaction, 3. cash confirm transaction

  • 1. original transaction The original transaction refers to the cross-chain transfer transaction triggered by the user. There are two kind of original IBC transactions. One is called forward transfer, one user calls a normal token contract(not ibc.token)'s action transfer, in the format of

    transfer(from, "ibc.token contract name", quantity, "account_name@peer_chain_name ...")

    Another is called withdraw, one user calls contract ibc.token's action transfer, in the same format of

    transfer(from, "ibc.token contract name", quantity, "account_name@peer_chain_name ...")

    The user calls the action transfer of a token contract, include the ibc.token contract itself, and provides the information of the receiver account and the perr chain name in memo, then generate a original transaction.

    In a forward transfer, the user calls transfer, which will trigger transfer_notify() of this contract by notification ( require_recipient(to) ), or in a withdraw transaction, the user call transfer of 'ibc.token', Then, this contract checks the original transaction. If the check fails, the original transaction will fail. If it passes, the relevant information of the original transaction will be recorded in this contract. It mainly includes transfer information (which is needed when cross-chain fails to refund) and transaction ID and block information (which is used by ibc_plugin to find the transaction in the blockchain data).

  • 2. cash transaction When an original transaction (TX1) occurs (on Chain A, ibc.token contract), The relay of chain A (relay A) will find the transaction in the blockchain data based on the original transaction-related information recorded in the ibc.token contract. Then the transaction and its related information (merkle path, etc.) are transmitted to the relay of chain B (relay B). Relay B pushes the original transaction and its related information together to chain B's ibc.token action cash (TX2), if the execution is successful, the user's token is successfully transferred to the account specified on chain B.

    If the cash transaction (TX2) fails to execute, there needs to be a way to ensure that the user asset in the original transaction (TX1) on Chain A is refunded. (It can also be called rollback a transaction, but it's not rollback the blockchain, just a refund of assets.) See text later for details on how to ensure TX1 rollback.

    If the cash transaction TX2 is successfully executed, the user's token has been transferred to this chain successfully, at this point, a TX2 related information will be recorded in the ibc.token contract on Chain B.

  • 3. cashconfirm transaction When a cash transaction (TX2) occurs (on Chain B ibc.token contract), The relay of chain B (relay B) will transfer TX2 and its related information to the relay of chain A (relay A). Relay A pushes TX2 and its related information together to chain A's ibc.token action cashconfirm (TX3). In this action, delete TX1's record in chain A's ibc.token contract. So far a complete inter-blockchain transaction has been completed.

seq_num in cash action seq_num is the first parameter of action cash. This is a very important sequence number to ensure the integrity of cross-chain transactions, which is critical in both actions case and cashconfirm.

The original transaction is triggered by the user, and the original transaction may ultimately succeed, or may ultimately fail (for example, the designated account does not exist in the peer chain), so the original transaction should not be given a serial number.

cash transaction (TX2) is the most critical transaction of the whole IBC transaction. And every successful cashtransaction must be transmitted back to the original chain (chain A) to eliminate the recording information of the original transaction (TX1) in the chain A's ibc.token contract. So it must be done by using a serial number.

This seq_num is given by the ibc_plugin, the plugin monitors the number used by the last successful cash action recorded in the ibc.token contract(cash_seq_num of _global_mutable) in real time. When the ibc_plugin needs to perform a cash action, it will make the seq_num equal to cash_seq_num + 1 for this transaction.

Similarly, when cashconfirm is executed in the chain A's ibc.token contract, The seq_num will also be checked, and it must be ensured that the number is incremental one by one. This ensures that every successful cash will be passed on to the peer chain, none of them can be skiped.

How was the original transaction rolled back after cash failed? There is a line of code in the case function:

eosio_assert( orig_trx_block_num >= get_cashtrxs_tb_max_orig_trx_block_num(), "orig_trx_block_num error");

The meaning of this line of code is that the original transactions on one chain can only be passed to the peer chain in incremental order by it's block number.

The block number can not be obtained in the contract, only the time slot of the block can be obtained. And slot is incremental as block number, except that slot may not increment one by one, while block number is incremental one by one.

Note that the following examples are just for illustration purposes. Please refer to the contract code for the actual data structure. For example, suppose that chain A's ibc.token contract records some cross-chain transactions, as follows.

block_time_slot 1000 ( has ibctx1 ), block_time_slot 1001 ( has ibctx2, ibctx3 ), block_time_slot 1002 ( has ibctx4 )

If you skip ibctrx1 and push ibctx2 cash on the peer chain and execute successfully, you can't push ibctx1 any more, because ibctrx1's time_slot is less then ibctrx2's time_slot, then you can push ibctrx 3, and then ibctx 4.

Push ibctx2, ibctx3 can be done in any order, because they are in the same block. So when executing cashconfirm, the IBC transactions' records in table origtrxs are also deleted in the order of increasing time slot.

Let's assume that ibctx1 failed to cash on peer chain and ibctx2 excute cash successfully on peer chain. When the cashconfirm corresponding to ibctx2 executes, the record of ibctx2 is deleted. At this point, a value last_confirmed_orig_trx_block_time_slot of _global_mutable is recorded in the ibc.token contract. Based on this value, we can judge that ibctrx1 (Actually, all ibc transactions records whose time slot is less than ibctrx2's time slot are must cross-chain failed) must have failed across the chain, so we need to rollback ibctrx1.

Last updated