7. eosio.forum - simple forum, messaging and voting system for BOS

A simple forum, messaging and voting system for BOS


The purpose of this contract is to support the EOS Referendum system by storing proposals and their related votes in-RAM in the blockchain's state.

It's also possible to create related posts and statuses, but they are not stored in-RAM in the blockchain's state. It allows authenticated messages to go through, where they are visible in the transaction history of the chain. Off-chain tools are needed to sort, display, aggregate, and report on the outputs of the post and status actions.


The propose action is first called providing the proposer's account, proposal's name (its id among all other proposals), proposal's title, a JSON string for extra metadata (specification not defined yet) that can be left empty.

Once the proposal has been created, people can start to vote on it via the vote action. The vote action is called using the voter's account, proposal's name, vote's value (0 for negative vote and 1 for a positive vote) and a JSON string for extra metadata (specification not defined yet), which can be left empty.

A vote overwrites any previous value if present. That means that if you voted initially with a vote value of 0 (negative vote) and you perform a second vote action on the same proposal this time with a value of 1 (positive vote), your current vote for the proposal is now 1.

There is no decay once you have voted. Once you vote, it does not change, nor is it removed until you either call unvote.

Once a vote has been cast, a user can remove its vote via the unvote action. The unvote action is called using the voter's account and proposal's name. An unvote action completely removes your vote from the proposal and clears the RAM usage associated to that vote.



We assume the docker binary is available in your PATH environment as well as eosc and eos-bios. The eos-bios and eosc binaries are required to correctly boot the local development & test node as well as running the automated test suite.


Simply call the build.sh script which launches a Docker container and compiles the contract:


Local Toolchain

For compilation purposes, it's possible to use the local eosio.cdt instead of pulling a Docker image containing it. Simply call compile.sh script to compile using the local EOSIO.CDT toolchain:



You can easily start a development node using the run.sh script, which uses eos-bios and Docker to launch a fully configured sandboxed nodeos development node:


This creates the following accounts:

  • eosio.forum

  • proposer1

  • proposer2

  • poster1

  • poster2

  • voter1

  • voter2

  • zzzzzzzzzzzz

All accounts created in the development node above use the following public/private key pair:

  • Public: EOS5MHPYyhjBjnQZejzZHqHewPWhGTfQWSVTWYEhDmJu4SXkzgweP

  • Private: 5JpjqdhVCQTegTjrLtCSXHce7c9M8w7EXYZS7xC13jVFF4Phcrx

You can pre-fill your environment with some proposals and votes easily by simply calling the ./tests/data.sh script.


Once you are done with the nodeos development node, simply call stop.sh to stop the running instance:



To easily interact with the development node via eosc on your terminal, simply export the following environment variables:

export EOSC_GLOBAL_API_URL="http://localhost:9898"
export EOSC_GLOBAL_VAULT_FILE="`pwd`/tests/eosc-vault.json"

The direnv tool can be used to automatically import those variables when you cd in the project's root directory.


Running the full automatic test suite is easy as doing:


This launches nodeos development node (via ./run.sh) and then executes all the integration tests found in tests folder (see all.sh for exact files picked up).

To correctly run the tests, you will need to switch the freeze period of a proposal for 2 seconds (waiting 3 days could be a bit too long!). The tests.sh script takes also care of this changing the freeze period automatically for you to 2 seconds so it looks like this instead when the tests runs:

constexpr static uint32_t FREEZE_PERIOD_IN_SECONDS = 2; // NEVER MERGE LIKE THIS

Important The tests.sh script automatically revert back the changes once the test script finishes (either in error or successfully). You should check just in case before sending your changes to be 100% sure that changes were effectively reverted back. You would not like to push a freeze period of 2 seconds in the repository!


The latest version of this code lives on the eosio.forum account on the EOS Mainnet.

There is also a few accounts that were used for development purposes as well as for testing updates to the contract. Here the list with some details about the status:

  • eosforumrcpp on EOS Mainnet (status: release candidates)

  • cancancan345 on Kylin network (status: unmaintained)

  • cancancan123 on Kylin network (status: unmaintained)

  • eosforumdapp on EOS Mainnet (status: unmaintained)


Here is the list of possible actions:

Action propose

Propose a new proposal to the community.


  • proposer (type name) - The actual proposer's account

  • proposal_name (type name) - The proposal's name, its ID among all proposals

  • title (type string) - The proposal's title (must be less than 1024 characters)

  • proposal_json (type string) - The proposal's JSON metadata, no specification yet, see Proposal JSON Structure


  • When missing signature of proposer

  • When proposal_name already exists

  • When title is longer than 1024 characters

  • When proposal_json JSON is invalid or too large (must be a JSON object and be less than 32768 characters)


eosc tx create eosio.forum propose '{"proposer": "proposer1", "proposal_name": "example", "title": "The title, for list views", "proposal_json": ""}' -p proposer1@active


eosc forum propose proposer1 example "The title, for list views" 2019-01-30T17:03:20 --json "[JSON object]"

Action vote

Vote for a given proposal using your account.


  • voter (type name) - The actual voter's account

  • proposal_name (type name) - The proposal's name to vote on

  • vote (type uint8) - Your vote on the proposal, 0 means a negative vote, 1 means a positive vote

  • vote_json (type string) - The vote's JSON metadata, no specification yet, see General JSON Structure Guidelines


  • When missing signature of voter

  • When proposal_name does not exist

  • When proposal_name is already expired

  • When the vote_json JSON is invalid or too large (must be a JSON object and be less than 8192 characters)


eosc tx create eosio.forum vote '{"voter": "voter1", "proposal_name": "example", "vote": 0, "vote_json": ""}' -p voter1@active


eosc forum vote voter1 example 0

Action unvote

Remove your current active vote, effectively reclaiming the stored RAM of the vote. Of course, your vote will not count anymore (neither positively or negatively) on the current proposal's voting statistics.


  • voter (type name) - The actual voter's account

  • proposal_name (type name) - The proposal's name to remove your vote from


  • When missing signature of voter

  • When proposal_name does not exist


eosc tx create eosio.forum unvote '{"voter": "voter1", "proposal_name": "example"}' -p voter1@active


eosc forum unvote voter1 example

Action cancel

Is used to cancel a proposal_name authorized by the proposer.


  • proposer (type name) - The original proposer

  • proposal_name (type name) - The proposal's name to cancel


  • When missing signatures of proposal's proposer

  • When proposal_name does not exist


eosc tx create eosio.forum cancel '{"proposer": "proposer1", "proposal_name": "example"}' -p proposer1@active

Note proposer1 must be the same as the one that created initially the example proposal.

Action post


  • poster (type name) - The poster's account

  • post_uuid (type string) - The post UUID (for reply purposes)

  • content (type string) - The actual content of the post

  • reply_to_poster (type name) - The initial post's poster your post replies to

  • reply_to_post_uuid (type string) - The initial post's UUID your post replies to

  • certify (type bool) - Reserved for future use

  • json_metadata (type string) - The post's JSON metadata, no specification yet, see General JSON Structure Guidelines


  • When missing signature of poster

  • When content is an empty string

  • When content is bigger than 10240 characters

  • When post_uuid is an empty string

  • When post_uuid is bigger than 128 characters

  • When reply_to_poster is not set but reply_to_post_uuid is

  • When reply_to_poster is not an existing account

  • When reply_to_poster is set and reply_to_post_uuid is an empty string

  • When reply_to_poster is set and reply_to_post_uuid is bigger than 128 characters

  • When json_metadata JSON is invalid or too large (must be a JSON object and be less than 8192 characters)


eosc tx create eosio.forum post '{"poster": "poster1", "post_uuid":"examplepost_id", "content": "hello world", "reply_to_poster": "", "reply_to_post_uuid": "", "certify": false, "json_metadata": "{\"type\": \"chat\"}"}' -p poster1@active


eosc forum post poster1 "hello world"

Action unpost


  • poster (type name) - Remove a previous post you did

  • post_uuid (type string) - The UUID of the post to remove


  • When missing signature of poster

  • When post_uuid is an empty string

  • When post_uuid is bigger than 128 characters


eosc tx create eosio.forum unpost '{"poster": "poster1", "post_uuid":"examplepost_id"}' -p poster1@active


eosc forum unpost poster1 [UUID_of_example]

Action status

Record a status for the associated account. If the content is empty, the action will remove a previous status. Otherwise, it will add a status entry for the account using the content received.


  • account (type name) - The account to add a status to

  • content (type string) - The content associated to the status


  • When missing signature of account

  • When post_uuid is bigger than 256 characters

  • When content is the empty string and no previous status existed for account

Example (add status):

eosc tx create eosio.forum status '{"account": "voter2", "content":"status of something"}' -p voter2@active

Example (remove previous status):

eosc tx create eosio.forum status '{"account": "voter2", "content":""}' -p voter2@active


eosc forum status voter2 "status of something"

Example (remove previous status):

eosc forum status voter2 ""

Table proposals


  • proposal_name (type name) - The proposal's name, its ID among all proposals

  • proposer (type name) - The actual proposer's account

  • title (type string) - The proposal's title, a brief description of the proposal

  • proposal_json (type string) - The proposal's JSON metadata, no specification yet, see Proposal JSON Structure Guidelines

  • created_at (type time_point_sec) - The date at which the proposal's was created, ISO 8601 string format (in UTC) without a timezone modifier.


  • First (1 type name) - Index by proposal_name field

  • Second (2 type name) - Index by proposer

Example (get all proposals):

eosc get table eosio.forum eosio.forum proposal


eosc forum list

Example (get all proposals for a given proposer):

Caveats Right now, eosc does not support searching giving only a direct key. Instead, it really requires a lower and upper bound. The upper bound being exclusive, to correctly get the upper bound, take the account name and change the last character to the next one in the EOS name alphabet (order is a-z1-5.).

So, looking for all proposals proposed by testusertest, the lower bound key would be testusertest and the upper bound key would be testusertesu (last character t bumped to next one u).

eosc get table eosio.forum eosio.forum proposal --index 2 --key-type name --lower-bound testusertest --upper-bound testusertesu


eosc forum list --from-proposer testusertest

Table status


  • account (type name) - The status' poster

  • content (type string) - The content of the status

  • updated_at (type time_point_sec) - The date at which the status was last updated, ISO 8601 string format (in UTC) without a timezone modifier.


eosc get table eosio.forum eosio.forum status

Table vote


  • id (type uint64) - The unique ID of the voter/proposal_name pair

  • proposal_name (type name) - The proposal_name on which the vote applies

  • voter (type name) - The voter that voted

  • vote (type uint8) - The vote value of the voter (0 means negative vote, 1 means a positive vote)

  • vote_json (type string) - The vote's JSON metadata, no specification yet, see General JSON Structure Guidelines

  • updated_at (type time_point_sec) - The date at which the vote was last updated, ISO 8601 string format (in UTC) without a timezone modifier.


  • First (1 type i64) - Index by id field

  • Second (2 type i128 input in hexadecimal little-endian format) - Index by proposal name, the key is composed in the high bytes using the proposal_name and the low bytes are the voter.

  • Third (3 type i128 input in hexadecimal little-endian format) - Index by voter, the key is composed in the high bytes using the voter and the low bytes are the proposal_name.

Example (get all votes):

eosc get table eosio.forum eosio.forum vote

Example (get all votes for a given proposal):

The idea is to turn the proposal_name into an integer, convert it to hexadecimal, and compute the lowest possible key for voter (lower bound) as well as the highest possible key for voter (upper bound).

Note The hexadecimal values below are all in little-endian format, so high bytes are on the right side and low bytes on the left side.

Here are the steps to compute the lower/upper bounds for the table query:

  1. Convert ramusetest EOS name to hexadecimal using eosc tools name.

eosc tools names ramusetest

from \ to  hex               hex_be            name        uint64
---------  ---               ------            ----        ------
name       0040c62a2baca5b9  b9a5ac2b2ac64000  ramusetest  13377287569575133184
  1. Create the lower_bound key by prepending 0000000000000000 to the hex value shown above: 0x00000000000000000040c62a2baca5b9

  2. Create the upper_bound key by prepending ffffffffffffffff to the hex value shown above: 0xffffffffffffffff0040c62a2baca5b9.

Now that we have the lower and upper bound keys, simply perform your query:

eosc get table eosio.forum eosio.forum vote --index 2 --key-type i128 --lower-bound 0x00000000000000000040c62a2baca5b9 --upper-bound 0xffffffffffffffff0040c62a2baca5b9

You will see only the votes against the proposal ramusetest.

Example (get all proposals a voter voted for):

The idea is to turn the voter into an integer, convert it to hexadecimal, and compute the lowest possible key for proposal_name (lower bound) as well as the highest possible key for proposal_name (upper bound).

Note The hexadecimal values below are all in little-endian format, so high bytes are on the right side and low bytes on the left side.

Here the steps to compute the lower/upper bounds for the table query:

  1. Convert testusertest EOS name to hexadecimal using eosc tools name.

eosc tools names testusertest

from \ to  hex               hex_be            name          uint64
---------  ---               ------            ----          ------
name       90b1ca57619db1ca  cab19d6157cab190  testusertest  14605628107949519248
  1. Create the lower_bound key by prepending 0000000000000000 to the hex value shown above: 0x000000000000000090b1ca57619db1ca

  2. Create the upper_bound key by prepending ffffffffffffffff to the hex value shown above: 0xffffffffffffffff90b1ca57619db1ca.

Now that we have the lower and upper bound keys, simply perform your query:

eosc get table eosio.forum eosio.forum vote --index 3 --key-type i128 --lower-bound 0x000000000000000090b1ca57619db1ca --upper-bound 0xffffffffffffffff90b1ca57619db1ca

You will see only the proposals that voter testusertest voted for.

Proposal JSON Structure Guidelines

The proposal_json should be structured against the EOS Enhancement Proposal 4 (EEP-4) which describes how the proposal_json field should be structured based on a predefined set of proposal types.

While it's not strictly required to follow the guidelines in EEP-4, it's strongly suggested to do so as UI, vote tallies and related tools use the guidelines in EEP-4 to provide their services.

If you decide to not follow the guidelines and instead create you own type(s), it's highly encouraged to have a type field in your JSON string describing your proposal type. Be sure that it does not collapse with the ones defined in EEP-4.

Of course, if you think your new type could be beneficial to the broader community of EOS, you are invited to submit changes to EEP-4 via a GitHub pull request on the EEP Repository.

General JSON Structure Guidelines

You can use any vocabulary you want when creating posts and votes, there is no specification yet for the JSON of those actions. However, by following some simple guidelines, you can simplify your life and the life of those building UIs around these messages.

For all json prefixed or suffixed fields in vote and post, the type field should determine a higher order protocol, and determines what other sibling fields will be required.

In a vote's vote_json field

  • type is optional. Defaults to simple if not present.

type values

  • simple is the same as no type at all. The value of the vote is the boolean vote field of the action.

In a post's json_metadata field

  • type is a required field to distinguish protocol. See below for sample types

The following fields attempt to standardize the meaning of certain keys. If you specify your own type, you can define whatever you want.

  • title is a title that will be shown above a message, often used in clickable headlines. Similar to a Reddit post's title.

  • tags is a list of strings, prefixed or not with a #.

type values

  • chat, which is a simple chat, pushing a message out.

  • eos-bps-roll-call, this is used within EOS Block Producers calls to indicate they are present.

  • eos-bps-emergency, once 3 block producers send a message of this type within an hour, all block producers can trigger a wake-up alarm within 1h. Do not abuse this message to avoid alert fatigue. ##### Example serious vulnerability requires mitigation, serious network issues, immediate action required, etc..

  • eos-bps-notify, once 7 block producers send a message of this type within an hour, other block producers can trigger a notification to get their attention in the next 24h. ##### Example new ECAF order requires attention.

  • eos-arbitration-order, BPs can watch for known Arbitration forums accounts, and alert themselves of required action. Further fields could be defined like a link to the PDF format order; a reference to a ready-made eosio.msig transaction proposition; etc.

Last updated